About Us

“Never underestimate your ability to make someone else’s life better- even if you never know it”

Greg Louganis

About GLAM

Isabelle (Lorna) Lewis acknowledges that a good education has the power to enhance, empower and improve everyone’s life journey, just like it did hers. Lewis never forgot the financial difficulties her family had providing her with basic school supplies when she attended Diamond Government School in St. Vincent, West Indies. Despite the challenge of not having ready supplies, such as pencils and a dictionary, Lewis believes that her early childhood education at the school and the influence of former principal and mentor the late Therese Cuffy persuaded her to further her education. Based on this experience, Lewis wants to ensure that Caribbean children are equipped with everyday school supplies during their early childhood education experience which she hopes will create a worry free environment for the children and propel then for further educational endeavors.

Since 2012, GLAM has provided essential school supplies to more than 9,000 preschool and primary school students in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Grenada, Dominica, St. Lucia and Jamaica.  The contributions we receive provides each student with a backpack, pens, pencils, erasers, a sharpener, a pencil case, notebooks and a Webster’s Dictionary. Similarly, each preschooler receives a backpack, crayons, reading and coloring books, and other educational materials. Reading books are distributed to the school libraries. With your help, GLAM will continue its work in 2021 and extend the program to children in other Caribbean Islands.

It is also our mission to provide the communities with health and environmental information. The information will empower the people as they become more knowledgeable about their health and the environment.

Board Members:

Isabelle (Lorna) Lewis, President
Nadia T. Lewis, Vice President
Paula Thigpen, Treasurer
Jeri Sweeney, Secretary
Vatsy Fraser, Member
Patricia Cephas, Member
Tomeeca McDowall, Member

Giving Life Anew Meaning (GLAM) will provide needed educational supplies and resources to the Caribbean that will enhance, empower and improve the life of the people.

Let us carry them for a while !

“No one has ever become poor by giving.”
